The most effective way to measure your child's academic progress
As a parent, you will often find yourself wondering how your children are faring in school, how they’re coping with the academic demands, and if they are managing to keep up with their peers. For many parents in Hong Kong, the schooling system often feels a little overwhelming, and it can be hard to develop an understanding of how your child is coping and what they are working towards. Naturally, school assessments and assignments provide a useful way to track the general trend of specific skill acquisition. However, it is often difficult to interpret these results in a broader context and understand how your child approaches learning, receives instruction, and relates to their environment. Developing a firm grasp of these key abilities allows for the creation of strategies to extend your child’s learning and ensure they remain on the right path to achieving their educational goals.
What is an academic checkup?
An academic checkup acts as a window into your child’s learning. It provides detailed insight into areas which require further development, or areas in which they are currently excelling and would benefit from an accelerated learning programme.
For example, the academic checkup at Telos is administered through a combination of several different testing methods, and serves as an evaluative and diagnostic tool that enables you as a parent to receive a thorough and holistic report on your child’s current standing in the pursuit of their educational goals. It involves an in-depth evaluation process, where parents discuss the results, and any concerns, hopes, or needs they may have regarding their child with an educational director.
What do the results show?
The results comprehensively map out a child’s core competencies, focusing on key areas of academic interest (such as mathematics, reading, comprehension, and writing). This allows parents to understand how their children feel towards their studies, how enthusiastic they are towards certain subjects in comparison to others, and how they compare academically to their peers, both in Hong Kong and internationally. The results can also be used as a point of reference when communicating with a child’s school or other education providers, which in turn helps to maximise the effectiveness of the teaching and provide an opportunity to tailor the instruction to the specific needs of a child.
How can an academic checkup help my child?
The first and foremost way an academic checkup can assist in a child’s development is by offering an opportunity to plan for their future. The results provide invaluable insight into how a child is currently operating, which is an integral part in being able to determine an appropriate path of learning for their future. Each child has different goals, whether to catch up, keep up, or get ahead, and the academic checkup helps to determine the most effective method of achieving these goals.
A child’s progress along the determined path of learning should then be managed through regular and consistent academic checkups. This allows for the creation of accurate records of a student’s personal academic milestones and achievements, providing parents with the necessary information to effectively communicate with their child when necessary.
Where can I access an academic checkup?
Different educational service providers in Hong Kong will offer their own versions of an academic checkup, each with its own specific area of focus. While it is important to ensure you will be receiving insight into your child’s academic development, it is equally important that your child feels comfortable in the environment and doesn’t feel pressured to perform.
At Telos, our academic checkup is delivered in a non-competitive environment under the guidance of compassionate educationalists. It takes place over two sittings on two separate days, each lasting around 1.5 hours. It accurately evaluates your child’s core competencies and provides you with the opportunity to discuss the results with our managing director.
Our goal is to provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions regarding your child’s future development. We believe that the cornerstone of effective education lies in the ability of educators to empower a student to take control over their own learning and develop a growth mindset in support of life-long learning.
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