About Us
Telos (pronounced 'tell-oss') is an Ancient Greek word that literally means 'the end'. It was used by Aristotle, one of history's best-known teachers, to refer to the 'true potential' that lies within an individual student.
Stephen Covey, another well known educator, and author of the best-seller 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People', incorporated 'the end' or 'telos' in his second habit, 'Start with the end in mind'.
At Telos Education we support parents and teachers along the individual learning journey of a child. We divide this long journey into segments, targeting the specific areas each student needs to master to thrive, while working with them to shape their mindset and approach to learning.
An open dialogue facilitates alignment and effective sharing of knowledge and strategies.
We develop personalised plans for each child to target desired skills.
Our tailored approach to teaching boosts confidence and contributes to the development of soft skills and a growth mindset.
Regular assessments and reports communicate progression and support the adjustment of learning paths.
Start your learning journey with Telos!
© 2022 Telos Education